Queer women, just like everyone else, have their own set of dating red flags that they look out for when getting to know someone new. These red flags can vary from person to person, but they are important to pay attention to in order to ensure a healthy and fulfilling relationship. To get some insight into what these red flags might look like, we spoke to 12 queer women about their biggest dating red flags. Here's what they had to say.

Are you tired of falling for the wrong women? It's time to take a closer look at the warning signs that could save you from heartache down the road. Check out these 12 red flags that every queer woman should be aware of before diving into the dating pool. Trust us, you'll thank us later. Find out more at DevilishDesire.co.uk.

Communication Issues

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One of the most common red flags that queer women look out for is communication issues. This can include anything from being overly clingy and possessive to being distant and unresponsive. According to many of the women we spoke to, poor communication can be a major turn-off in a potential partner.

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Lack of Respect for Boundaries

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Respecting boundaries is crucial in any relationship, and many queer women consider it a major red flag if their date shows a lack of respect for their boundaries. This can manifest in many ways, such as pressuring someone to do something they are uncomfortable with or not giving them the space they need.

Inconsistent Behavior

Inconsistency in behavior is another red flag that many queer women watch out for. This can include saying one thing and doing another, or being hot and cold in their interactions. According to some of the women we spoke to, inconsistency can be a sign of underlying issues that may cause problems in the relationship down the line.

Lack of Emotional Availability

Emotional availability is an important factor in any relationship, and many queer women consider it a red flag if their date is emotionally unavailable. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as being unable to open up about their feelings or avoiding serious conversations about the future of the relationship.

Unwillingness to Commit

For many queer women, a lack of willingness to commit can be a major red flag in a potential partner. This can include being noncommittal about the future of the relationship or avoiding discussions about exclusivity and commitment.

Unresolved Baggage

Unresolved baggage from past relationships is another red flag that many queer women look out for. This can include anything from talking excessively about an ex-partner to exhibiting signs of emotional trauma from previous relationships.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is an important trait in any partner, and many queer women consider it a red flag if their date lacks empathy. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as being dismissive of their partner's feelings or failing to show compassion in difficult situations.

Overly Jealous Behavior

Jealousy is a common issue in many relationships, and for many queer women, overly jealous behavior can be a major red flag. This can include anything from being possessive of their partner to exhibiting controlling behavior.

Financial Irresponsibility

Financial responsibility is important in any relationship, and many queer women consider it a red flag if their date is financially irresponsible. This can include anything from being careless with money to expecting their partner to support them financially.

Inability to Compromise

Compromise is an essential part of any healthy relationship, and many queer women consider it a red flag if their date is unable to compromise. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as being unwilling to meet their partner halfway in decision-making or being inflexible in their attitudes and behaviors.

Lack of Independence

Independence is an important trait in any partner, and many queer women consider it a red flag if their date lacks independence. This can include anything from being overly reliant on their partner for emotional support to having a lack of personal goals and ambitions.

Disrespectful Behavior

Disrespectful behavior is a major red flag for many queer women when it comes to dating. This can include anything from being rude to service staff to making derogatory comments about certain groups of people.

In conclusion, every person has their own set of dating red flags that they look out for when getting to know someone new. For queer women, these red flags can vary, but they are important to pay attention to in order to ensure a healthy and fulfilling relationship. By being aware of these red flags and listening to their intuition, queer women can better navigate the dating world and find a partner who is truly compatible with them.